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 5 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Katsukawa Shunzan"Advanced Search
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Courteousness (Rei), from the series "Five Virtues in the Manners of Women..., c. 1781/1801. Creator: Katsukawa Shunzan.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as a peddler of toys, Japan, c. 1782/90. Creator: Katsukawa Shunzan.
A Young Samurai and Three Women, ca. 1789. Creator: Katsukawa Shunzan.
Festival by the Sumida River, late 18th century. Creator: Katsukawa Shunzan.
Three Women on a Veranda Overlooking a Bay, late 19th century. Creator: Katsukawa Shunzan.